
Automated logistics loading and unloading system

With the continuous development of the modern logistics and warehousing industry, the standard requirements for logistics loading and unloading entrances and exits are becoming higher and higher. The industrial sectional door, industrial dock shelter, and loading and unloading dock leveler form a complete logistics loading and unloading combination.

The industrial lifting door is closed when not working to maintain indoor and outdoor airtight isolation. When entering the working state, the industrial sectional door opens, and the loading and unloading dock leveler and dock shelter Working together, the carriage and the interior form a closed loading and unloading environment to prevent external debris, airflow, rainwater, etc. from entering the interior, ensuring that loading and unloading work is carried out conveniently, safely, and cleanly.

The design of the loading and unloading system is an important part of the entire warehouse process design. The modern logistics parking system consists of an unloading dock leveler, dock shelter, industrial sectional door and related auxiliary equipment and control systems. It effectively solves the connection problem between vehicles and warehouses, seals the space between vehicles and buildings, and safely controls the opening and closing of warehouse entrance gates.


SEPPES can provide a complete set of logistics loading and unloading systems, including sectional door, hydraulic dock leveler, and dock shelter, to create an intelligent and automated logistics loading and unloading system for customers, effectively improving loading and unloading efficiency.

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